

What is a balanced life?

Balance is about finding your way back to balance, again and again. The tightrope walker is constantly making small adjustments to regain balance. The more we practice balance in life, the faster and more precise our adjustments become. After a while, it starts looking easy.

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Master Your Thoughts

No one chooses all their thoughts. We think many thousands of thoughts every day and most of them are recurrent and predictable. Recurrent thoughts leave tracks in us that make it more likely for them to recur. It is possible to break out of ingrained thought patterns by practicing observing them.

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When Life Feels Meaningless

Sometimes I meet people who seem to have become stuck in the ultimate question about the meaning of life—no longer seeing the point of trying to make life better. Lack of meaning leads to lack of motivation for changing anything at all. This in turn confirms life as only routine, depression and suffering.

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